Give Coding Park a try at home with your children or in the classroom with your students!

Easy Setup

Start coding sessions in few minutes, no training needed, it's all easy.

Innovative Pedagogy

Progressive learning, from visual blocks, to real-world programming with Python.

Level Designer

With our visual editor, children express their creativity to create their own challenges.


Use the Dashboard to launch and supervise your workshops with complete peace of mind.
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A platform for both students and educators

Coding has become so important that schools are trying to introduce it in classrooms. However, many teachers do not know how to code, or at least are uncomfortable with it! Coding Park is built to solve this problem; it provides easy to use educational resources suitable for school curriculums.


A complete curriculum, which integrates the visual blocks, writing algorithms in pseudo-code, up to writing programs in Python

Progressive learning method

Which unfolds gradually over several chapters

Multi-language support

English, French, and Spanish are supported

Learn computer programming

With 3 code editors adapted to the level of each child

Develop spatial awareness

By guiding a video game character through levels

Develop reasoning skills

By finding smart solutions to logical problems

Learn while having fun

Gamified learning allows children to progress quickly

What our Users Say

The game really captivated the kids. They are a bit geek and good students originally. I let them play by themselves. Watching the program run line by line is awesome, that’s really how I think of writing code.

Olivier H.

Olivier H.

Father of Gaspard and Ulysse

I prefer Coding Park to CodeMonkey, as your tasks are more engaging and educational. Although your website could use some polish, the quality of your content stands out. Maintaining a competitive price point will be crucial for your growth. Great job so far!

James W.

James W.

Teacher at Clifton High School, Bristol, UK

What I particularly like are the graphics of course, the characters, the objects like the “Teleporter”, this one caused a sensation! Teamwork, in our own words, we explain and we try to get the classmates to find the solution.

Samantha R.

Samantha R.

IT Animator, Sacré Coeur School, Paris, France

We know Coding Park since its creation in 2018 and we can attest to the professionalism of this structure and the quality of the product, which we use as part of our Kids Coding Club extracurricular workshops. 

Stéphane A.

Stéphane A.

General Delegate of La Ligue de l'Enseignement, Paris, France

Our plans

Try coding now! With your children at home, or with your students at school, no prior knowledge of coding is required
Learn from home at your own pace
  • An imaginative coding world filled with limitless opportunities
  • Suitable for self-paced learning or with parental guidance
  • The chance to kickstart your coding journey in a live session
Perfect for schools and districts
  • An educational platform designed for classroom use
  • Automated evaluation and tracking of student advancement
  • Assistance provided during the implementation of the curriculum


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