Four Years of Empowering Learning: Reflecting on Coding Park’s Journey

This has been Coding Park’s mission for four years now, how time flies!

On June 15, 2018, our team embarked on this ambitious project. The beginnings weren’t always easy because coding is a discipline that can be impressive in its complexity. Often, when you want to learn to program, you don’t know where to start. With what language? Which method? Especially when the learners are young children!

Learn while having fun

Over the past 30 years, scientific studies of human development have shown that the most important period is between birth and age 8. Between the ages of 3 and 5, when children are in kindergarten, play occupies a central place in their education. However, when it comes to the 6 to 8 age group, learning through play is very often replaced by more “academic” methods. While edutainment activities are essential to make children want to learn and improve their results!

This is why at Coding Park, we have chosen to position ourselves as a missing complement to the classic school program through the choice of our theme, programming, and our game-based learning method.

Learning by doing

Neurosciences show that learning by doing allows children to be actors in their learning and to promote the good memorization of information. By trying on their own, children can self-correct, learn from their mistakes and never make them again. Being in the action also helps to promote the child’s attention and concentration, unlike more “passive” academic methods.

Convinced by this approach, we designed our platform on this principle. During the different levels of the game, the child has clear objectives to achieve and must mobilize his cognitive abilities to be able to achieve them. This method promotes the child’s autonomy, the referent adult positioning himself as a guide.

A tailor-made course

Over the years, we have always kept in mind the fact of offering the most customizable content possible according to the age, progress and particularities of each child. Currently, three programming languages with varying difficulties are available on our platform to address this issue, which makes our platform suitable for all children from 1st to 12th grade.

However, because each child is unique and progresses at their own pace, we don’t place restrictions by age, we offre general recommendations based on our experience. If a 10-year-old is ready to try the Python language, when we give 12 as the “recommended age”, it’s quite possible!

A proven method

In four years, we have been able to introduce more than 12, 000 children to programming in France and abroad! In addition, we are very proud to have an almost perfect parity during our workshops, including girls in IT professions is particularly important to us. Finally, we are delighted to see that teachers, and especially children, still appreciate our platform and its universe of pirates.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your loyalty and see you soon for new adventures!

The Coding Park Team.